One Woman Show
Book A FREE Instant Breakthrough"Worthy"
A Journey to the Heart of Being Human
This show is about taking the world of entertainment and the world of personal (spiritual) development and combining them into something that stirs up emotion and mixed is together with a tried and true methodology, in order to reveal a formula for a more connected and conscious life.
Debunking the common myths and constructs of our modern upbringing, "Worthy" dares to explore our personal stories that originate from events that happened so long ago most of us aren't even aware of their existence! And yet, these are the very same stories that contribute to patterns, habit and dysfunctions that keep us unconsciously stuck in places we'd rather not be.
Whether on a virtual stage of a live one, this show interweaves original positive and inspiring music, personal story, comedy and dramedy vignettes (previously filmed) as well as safe and fun audience interaction.
"Worthy" delivers a powerful message for the possibility of a future created by decisions that we make based on where we want our lives to go, rather than where we've been. And this is not only suggested this show actually gives you the methodology of how to make a life of your dreams accessible, achievable and obtainable.
Whether you are looking for an excellent addition to set the tone, or anchor the message of your conference or training event, be it a performance / workshop or a unique way to reach out to your participates and gift them with a message of empowerment, this show is excellent at delivering a message that naturally aligns with leadership, success, health and wellness, positive relationships and even sales mastery. In essence the message of "Worth" feeds the whole human experience and thus addresses the whole life experience of its audiences.
This show has been carefully designed to be able to accommodate the needed timing of your event, conference or training, as it can be performed, whole or in part. This show can also be offered as part of a literal interactive workshop experience, tying all the points together into a curriculum that will add to everybody's experience.
It's also important to note that this show can be modified to include personalized information, and training criteria if and as needed. This means that your event, conference, training and/or company can be at the heart of the show itself.
Performed Black Box Style, makes this show fit and flow easily in any venue as well as having a great presence virtually. Every virtual performance includes a live Q and A segment, and when applicable and appropriate this can also be included in a live performance as well.
"Worth" is a perfect choice for your fundraising event, and again can be tailored to fit your fundraising needs on every level. This can include a CTA for your event.
Critically acclaimed, "Worthy" has been touted as a transformational experience where the mind and soul meet in inspired conversation.
Please go to "More Info & Booking One Woman Show" to get more personalized information, discuss all of your needs and to review dates, times and all other particulars.
Always remember, it's not where you are, or what you are doing, but who you are being that matters and can open the door to a future you may not even realize you can have.
"Deborah just reaches in there & moves stuff around . . . Her words changed me."
Nancy M. Nashville TN
"Professional and exquisite, Deborah delivered on every level and then some!"
Mary L. Nashville TN
Book One Woman Show